Rizal, Muhammad (2018) Konsep keadilan dalam rumah tangga menurut pasangan suami istri yang berpoligami di Kota Palangka Raya. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Palangka Raya.
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Penelitian ini ingin mengkaji tentang konsep keadilan menurut suami yang berpoligami dan menurut istri yang dipoligami serta mengkaji pandangan hukum Islam terhadap konsep keadilan dalam poligami. Pentingnya hal ini dikaji karena nilai-nilai keadilan jarang untuk dipraktikkan dan dihayati para keluarga yang berpoligami. Salah satu harapan yang diinginkan dalam berkeluarga yakni mendapatkan kebahagiaan lahir dan batin. Namun dengan adanya poligami yang dilakukan oleh suami, kebahagiaan dalam keluarga dapat menjadi berkurang atau hilang bagi istri. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, dirumuskan masalah tentang: 1. Bagaimana konsep keadilan menurut suami yang berpoligami di kota Palangka Raya ? 2. Bagaimana konsep keadilan dalam rumah tangga menurut istri-istri yang dipoligami di kota Palangka Raya ? 3. Bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap konsep keadilan dalam rumah tangga menurut pasangan suami istri poligami di kota Palangka Raya ?
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kualitatif. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian lapangan (field research), adapun sifatnya deskriptif. Sedangkan dalam teknik pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi terhadap tiga orang suami yang berpoligami dengan masing-masing istrinya sebagai subjek penelitian. Data dianalisis dengan pengumpulan data, pengurangan data, penyajian data, penarikan Kesimpulan/ verifikasi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Konsep keadilan yang dilakukan oleh para suami yang berpoligami cukup bervariasi dalam hal pembagian nafkah, kasih sayang dan giliran menginap. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dalam hal pembagian nafkah berupa sandang, pangan dan papan, para suami (HM dan FJ) proporsional. Sedangkan responden SN membagi dengan sama rata. Adapun dalam pembagian kasih sayang menurut HM dan FJ sangat menyayangi para istri tanpa membedakan satu sama lain berbeda dengan SN yang menurutnya lebih cendrung menyayangi istri pertama. Dalam hal giliran menginap berdasarkan kesepakan para suami dan para istri, HM membagi persatu hari, SN membagi perdua hari dan FJ membagi perempat hari. 2. Konsep keadilan menurut para istri dalam hal pembagian nafkah dan kasih sayang berbeda. RH, AS dan AN (istri HM) mereka berpendapat bahwa suami telah berlaku adil secara proporsional, hal ini serupa dengan pendapat YN dan SR (istri FJ), serta pendapat NH (istri SN). Adapun pendapat SM (istri SN) berbeda karena menurutnya suami lebih condong terhadap istri yang lain. Dalam hal giliran menginap serupa sebagaimana kesepakatan dari suami dan istri. 3. Tinjauan hukum islam terkait dengan konsep keadilan dalam berpoligami pada QS. An-Nisa: 3 menjelaskan batasan jumlah istri yang dipoligami dan kewajiban seorang suami yang berpoligami harus berlaku adil yakni difokuskan dalam hal materiel berupa sandang,pangan dan papan. Sedangkan QS An-Nisa:129, mengatakan bahwa para suami tidak dapat berlaku adil yakni adil dalam hal kasih sayang.
This research aim to look at the of the justice according to a husband who a polygamous second marriage and according to a wife who dipoligami and study the views of islamic law against the concept of justice in polygamy .The importance of this examined because the values of justice put into practice and dihayati rarely for the families of who a polygamous second marriage. One by the hope of that which is desirable in a family drink of the outward and inward. But the polygamy conducted by the husband , the happiness of the reduction in or loss of the family would be for the wife .The based on the background, formulated the issue of: 1 .How the concept of justice according to a husband who a polygamous second marriage in the city Palangka Raya? 2. How the concept of justice in the household according to your women who Palangka Raya dipoligami in the city ? 3. How review Islamic law against the concept of justice in the household according to husband and wife polygamy in the city Palangka Raya ?
This study adopted qualitative approaches. This research could be classified as the field study (field research), but as for only temporary it is aimed descriptive .Meanwhile in the the technique of data collection, the researchers used a technique of the objective of the interview, observation and documentation of also forgave the three people a husband who a polygamous second marriage with each performed the necessary formality of the subject of study. The data analyzed by the collection of data, the reduction of the data, data presentation used to, the withdrawal of a conclusion / verification.
The result of this research can be concluded that: 1.The concept of justice conducted by the husband berpoligami were quite diverse in terms of the division of a living, affection and turn stay. Based on the research done, in terms of the division of a living of clothing, food and board, the their husband hm and fj ) proportional.While the sn divide by levelled.And in the division of affection according to hm and fj loved the wife without distinguish one another different from sn which he said more cendrung love the first wife.In terms of turn staying based on kesepakan the husband and the wife, hm divide by one day, sn divide perdua days and fj divide quarters day. 2.The concept of justice according to the wife in terms of the division of a living and affection different. Rh, the united states and an ( the wife hm ) they believed that husband had been acting fair proportionally, it is similar with opinion yn rode and sr ( the wife fj ), and opinion nh ( the wife sn ). As for opinion bc ( the wife sn ) different according to her husband tends to against the wife another.In terms of turn staying similar as the agreement of husband and wife.3.Islamic law review related to the concept of justice in berpoligami in qs.An-nisa: 3 describes limit the number of wife who dipoligami and the obligation for a a husband who berpoligami shall apply fair namely focused it materiel of clothing, food and board.While qs an-nisa: 129, said the husbands do not able to maintain justice the fair in terms of affection.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Poligami |
Subjects: | 18 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES > 1801 Law > 180128 Islamic Family Law > 18012817 Polygamy |
Divisions: | Fakultas Syariah > Jurusan Syariah > Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam |
Depositing User: | puttry puttry ekaputri |
Date Deposited: | 20 May 2019 00:51 |
Last Modified: | 20 Feb 2020 02:45 |
URI: | http://digilib.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id/id/eprint/1554 |
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