Muhammad, Aulia (2014) Perbandingan hasil belajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a match dan model pembelajaran kooperatif pada materi gaya kelas VIII semester I di MTs Negeri 1 Model Palangka Raya tahun ajaran 2014/2015 (studi eksperimen). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Palangka Raya.
Abstrak (MA).pdf Download (682kB) | Preview |
BAB I PENDAHULUAN (MA).pdf Download (462kB) | Preview |
BAB II LANDASAN TEORI (MA).pdf Download (699kB) | Preview |
BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN (MA).pdf Download (511kB) | Preview |
BAB IV LAPORAN PENELITIAN (MA).pdf Download (603kB) | Preview |
BAB V ANALISA (MA).pdf Download (341kB) | Preview |
BAB VI PENUTUP (MA).pdf Download (158kB) | Preview |
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui(1)pengelolaan pembelajaran dengan menggunkan metode inkuiri(2)ada tidaknya pengaruh medote inkuiri terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa(3)ada tidaknya pengaruh metode inkuiri terhadap hasil belajar siswa dan (4) ada tidaknya hubungan yang signifikan antara keterampilan proses sains dengan hasil belajar siswa.
Penelitian ini menggunakan motode inkuiri dengan rancangan The One Pretest-Postest. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes keterampilan proses sains, tes hasil belajar dan lembar pengamatan pengelolaan pembelajaran. Hasil uji coba keterampilan proses sains dilaksanakan dikelas VIII-A MTsN Muslimat NU Palangka Raya dan uji coba tes hasil belajar dilaksanakan di kelas VIII-A MTs Darul Ulum. pada uji coba tes keterampilan proses sains siswa mendapat tingkat reliabilitas soal essay sebesar 0,779 dengan kategori tinggi dan uji coba tes hasil belajar siswa mendapat tingkat tingkat reliabilitas sebesar 0,84 dengan kategori sangat tinggi
Populasi penelitian adalah kelas VIII semester 1 MTsN 1 Model Palangka Raya Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015, sampel penelitian adalah kelas VIII-6 berumlah 40 siswa. Analisis data tes keterampilan proses sains dan analis data tes hasil belajar pretsest dan postest menggunakan program SPSS versi 17.0 for windows.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) keterampilan proses sains siswa pada saat pretest diperoleh
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah memiliki nilai rata-rata N-gain0,61 (kategori sedang), sedangkan siswa pada kelas kontrol dengan model pembelajaran langsung memiliki nilai rata-rata N-gain 0,29 (kategori rendah). Analisis hipotesis menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol, (2) Hasil belajar siswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah memiliki nilai rata-rata N-gain 0,63 (kategori sedang), sedangkan siswa pada kelas kontrol dengan model pembelajaran langsung memiliki nilai rata-rata N-gain 0,29 (kategori rendah). Analisis hipotesis menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, dan (3) Pengelolaan pembelajaran fisika secara keseluruhan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah didapat rata-rata persentase penilaian sebesar 89,8% dengan kategori sangat baik, sedangkan penilaian pengelolaan pembelajaran fisika secara keseluruhan dengan model pembelajaran langsung didapat rata-rata persentase penilaian sebesar 84,4% dengan kategori sangat baik.
The study is intended to know: (1) whether or not there is a significant difference in the improvement of the ability of the critical thinking of the students taught through problem based learning and those through direct method in the physics learning in the topic of pressure, (2) whether or not there is a significant difference in the improvement of the learning outcomes of the students taught through problem based learning and those through direct method in the physics learning in the topic of pressure, (3) the learning management using problems based learning and direct method in physics learning in the topic of pressure.
The study uses problem based learning and direct learning model with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The instruments to be used are test of the ability of critical thinking, test of critical thinking, and the sheet of the observation of learning management. The result of tryout of the ability of the critical thinking of the students of class IX-9 SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya obtains the level of reliability of the test items for the ability of critical thinking namely 0,656 in which it is classified as high category and the level of the reliability of the test of the learning outcomes of the students obtain 0,865 in which it is classified as category of very high. The populations of the study are the students of class VIII of the second semester of SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya in Academic Year 2013/2014. The samples of the study are the students of class VIII-2 consisting of 20 students as axperimental class and 21 students of class VIII-3 as control class. The analysis of the data of the learning outcomes of pretest and posttest uses SPSS of 17.0 for windows version.
The result of the study indicates that: (1) the ability of critical thinking of the students in experimental class with problem based learning model has the average score of N-gain 0,61 (fair category), the ability of critical thinking of the students in control class with direct learning has the average score of N-gain 0,29 (poor category). The analysis of the hypothesis indicates there is a significant difference between the ability of the critical thinking of students and in experimental class and control class. (2) the learning outcomes of the students in experimental class with problem based learning model has the average score of N-gain 0,63 (fair category), the students in control class with direct learning has the avarage score of N-gain 0,29 (poor category). The analysis of the hypothesis indicates there is a significant difference between the improvement of learning outcomes of students and in experimental class and control class. And (3) the learning management of physics learning with problem based learning model in general it was obtained the percentage average of the score 89,8% in which it is classified as excellent category and the learning management of physics learning with direct model learning in general it was obtained the percentage average of the score 84,4% in which it is classified as excellent category
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | 13 EDUCATION > 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy > 130210 Physical Education and Development Curriculum and Pedagogy |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan IPA > Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika |
Depositing User: | usman usman usman |
Date Deposited: | 07 Dec 2016 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 07 Dec 2016 07:16 |
URI: | |
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