Septianie, Septianie (2008) Persepsi Dan Harapan Mahasiswa Terhadap Sistem Pelayanan Perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Palangka Raya.
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Pelayanan Perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya adalah bagaikan jantungnya kualitas mahasiswa STAIN Palangka Raya pada tiap tahun. Artinya, Perpustakaan, Koleksi perpustakaan, dan Pelayanan perpustakaan adalah penting. oleh karena itu menarik di teliti.
Rumusan masalahnya adalah (a) Bagaimana persepsi mahasiswa terhadap layanan perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya, (b) Bagaimana sistem pelayanan di perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya, dan (c) Apa saja harapan mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya. Dengan demikian, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan perpustakaan, sistem pelayanan, dan harapan mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Pendekatan Mixing. Dalam mengumpulkann data digunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester I sampai semester V, Jurusan Tarbiyah, Syariah, dan Dakwah tahun akademik 2004/2005 sampai 2007/2008, dengan alasan mahasiswa semester ini masih aktif ke perpustakaan. Subjek yang di ambil 15% dari populasi, yaitu 104 orang mahasiswa angkatan 2004 sampai 2007 yang aktif mengunjungi perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya, sedangkan yang menjadi informan adalah Kepala Perpustakaan STAIN Palangka Raya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :
1. Mahasiswa berpersepsi bahwa waktu pelayanan di perpustakaan dari pukul 07.30-12.30 WIB selama 6 hari, masih kurang panjang. Pelayanan sudah menerapkan Open Access atau Sistem terbuka. Fasilitas pendukung cukup memadai (seperti meja-kursi baca, rak buku, penerangan ruang baca dan ruang buku). Layanan sudah di tunjang peralatan teknologi canggih (komputer, katalog buku, dan rak penitipan). Akan tetapi masih dipersepsikan suasana ruang sirkulasi/ peminjaman, kurang tenang. Selain itu, sikap karyawan bagus. rapi, tertib, tetapi belum memuaskan, dan buku yang ada kurang lengkap.
2. Sistem Pelayanan di Perpustakaan sudah beberapa tahun (2-3) menerapkan layanan terbuka. Mahasiswa lebih puas karena ada kemudahan dalam menemukan bahan pustaka dan alternatif lain jika yang di cari tidak ditemukan. Selain itu, mahasiswa dapat melakukan pengambilan sendiri bahan pustaka yang dikehendaki dari jajaran koleksi.
3. Mahasiswa Jurusan Tarbiyah mengharapkan koleksi buku diperbanyak, terbitan baru ditambah dan sampul buku diperbaiki. Di sediakan mesin fotocopy, kebersihan meja dan sarana lain ditingkatkan. Literatur sumber bahan bacaan untuk Biologi dan Fisika segera di belikan atau di fotocopy. Buku kurikulum mata kuliah Biologi dan Fisika (KBK dan KTSP) di fotocopy untuk di baca diperpustakaan, begitu juga bacaan bahasa asingnya dan artikelnya. Mahasiswa Jurusan Syariah mengharapkan koleksi buku ditambah eksemplar dan judul-judulnya, perpanjangan waktu untuk pelayanan, keramahan dan kedisiplinan karyawan ditingkatkan dan di tambah WC untuk mahasiswa. Mahasiswa jurusan Dakwah mengharapkan buku-buku sumber mata kuliah ditambah dan dilengkapi koleksi buku yang judul baru, pemberian sanksi tegas bagi pelanggar peraturan perpustakaan, ruangan perpustakaan harus tenang.
The Palangka Raya STAIN library service system is as the heart of the Palangka Raya STAIN students' quality each year. It means that the library, the library collection and library service are urgently required. Therefore, it is interesting to be observed. The problems of the study are: (a) how is the students' perception toward the Palangka Raya STAIN library service system?; (b) how is the Palangka Raya STAIN library service system carried out?; and (c) What are the students' expectation toward the Palangka Raya STAIN library service system? Therefore, the aims of the study are to describe the students' perception toward the library service, service system, and the students' expectation toward the Palangka Raya STAIN library service system.
The study employed the mixing approach. The data were collected through observation, interview and questionnaire techniques. The population of the study were the first up to five semester students of Tarbiyah, Syariah and Dakwah departments of the academic year 2004/2005 up to 2007/ 2008. Since those students were still active attending the library. The samples were taken 15% of the total population, that was, 104 students of 2004 up to 2007 academic years, who were still active attending the library. Meanwhile, the informant of the study was the director of the Palangka Raya STAIN library.
The results of the study showed that:
1. In terms of the students' perception, the time service starting from 07:30-12:30 Western Indonesian times during six days in a week was considered to be not enough time. The service system applied open access or open service system. The addtional facilities including tables, chairs, book shelves, and lamps were considered adequate. The library service was equipped by high technology equipments such as computers, book catalogs, and storage places. However, the atmosphere of circulation place was considered not quite well. Moreover, the library staffs was considered to have good performance, discipline, but not satisfied yet. The books were also considered not sufficient.
2. The library service system had applied open service system for 2 or 3 years. The students were more satisfied since there was an easy way to find the sources of references and other alternatives if the sources were not found. Furthermore, the students could do their own service to find the wishod sources of the reference collections.
3. In terms of the students expectation, the tarbiyah students expected that the collection books be added and completed, the newest edition books had to be added and the book covers had to be repaired. It was suggested to provide photocopy services. The desk had to be kept clean, and other facilities should be improved. The reference of biology and physics books had to be provided or copied. The
curriculum books of biology and physics (Curriculum Based Competence andKTSP) had to be copied sooner. Meanwhile, the references of foreign language and other articles had to be provided. The syariah students expected that the book collections had to be added, the time services were given more chances, the performace and discipline of the library staffs had to be improved. The toilet for students had to be kept healthy. The dakwah students expected that the references for each course should be added dan completed with the newest books. The punishment should be given to those who obey the library rule and the library atmosphere should be kept quiet.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Perpustakakaan;Pelayanan |
Subjects: | 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0806 Information Systems > 080609 Information Systems Management 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0807 Library and Information Studies > 080799 Library and Information Studies not elsewhere classified |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Jurusan Tarbiyah > Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 25 May 2024 02:32 |
Last Modified: | 25 May 2024 02:33 |
URI: | |
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