Sistem pewarisan nilai-nilai keagamaan (studi kasus mubalig dan pengurus ahmadiyah di Palangka Raya)

Arifiin, Zainal (2009) Sistem pewarisan nilai-nilai keagamaan (studi kasus mubalig dan pengurus ahmadiyah di Palangka Raya). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Palangka Raya.

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The branch of Qadian Ahmadiyah movement of Palangka Raya was found in 1968. The Ahmadiyah activity was centered at the Ahmadiyah office on Krakatau Street number 007. Ahmadiyah movement is an international movement having special characteristics as a Mahdian movement. The writer sees this as a controversial movement, but it spread out sharply. The writer is highly motivated to dig up furthe on transmitting religious value activity such as Ahmadiyah doctrines, which became debatable among the Muslims. The Ahmadiyah development, in the mid of controversy motivates the writer to conduct a study on system of religious value transmission (a case study on Ahmadiyah's preacher and organization staffs of Palangka Raya).
In collecting the data, the writer used deep interview technique, participant observation and documentation. The deep interview was intended to collect the information and data needed in the study. Participant observation was a direct interaction of the writer in the Ahmadiyah activities in order to directly observe the organization behavior and the religious activity of the Ahmadiyah members. In this case, the writer involved inside in the Ahmadiyah activity. Documentation is to collect the data in the form of media such as Video Compact Disk, brochures Ahmadiyah handbooks, the data of the Ahmadiyah followers, pictures of Ahmadiyah activities and recorded interview.
In transmitting the religious values of the Palangka Raya Ahmadiyah members, there were 4 important components having strategic roles in transmitting the religious values. The components were the preachers, organization staffs, media, strategy and method.
The Islamic preacher has important roles to strengthen the belief and faith of Ahmadiyah members. The organization staff has also a strategic role in planning, implementing, coordinating and dividing assignment to help transmit the religious values. Ahmadiyah also used media such as books, brochures, Video Compact Disk and television station like Mouslem Television Ahmadiyah (MTA). The discussion method was also used in Islamic teaching done by the preacher. The meeting was done once in a month and also the direct visit to the members' houses done by the preacher.
The religious values transmitted to Ahmadiyah members were the Mahdian Mirza Ghulam Ahmad values, jihad in the Ahmadiyah's perspective, the moral value of kindness and accepting the difference, and the obedient value on the organization rules.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Organisasi Islam ; Ahmadiyah
Subjects: TAJUK SUBJEK ISLAM > Sosial dan Budaya Islam > Organisasi Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Jurusan Tarbiyah > Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam
Depositing User: puttry puttry ekaputri
Date Deposited: 01 Apr 2024 04:26
Last Modified: 01 Apr 2024 04:26

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