Masitoh, Dewi (2021) Pengembangan media video tutorial materi sujud pelajaran pai dan budi pekerti di smpn satu atap 1 Mentaya Hulu Kotawaringin Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Palangka Raya.
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Pendidikan agama Islam diharapkan tidak hanya memperoleh nilai pada aspek kognitif saja, namun juga harus dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap perilaku peserta didik. Terbatasnya waktu belajar membuat siswa sulit untuk memahami materi dan guru di tuntut harus mampu melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan baik. Sedangkan guru menyampaikan materi lebih cenderung kepada penggunaan buku paket. Perlu pengembangan media pembelajaran yang inovatif dengan menggunakan pengembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi seperti media video agar pembelajaran tidak berlangsung secara monoton dan berjalan dengan menyenangkan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini; (1) Bagaimana pengembangan media video tutorial materi sujud pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti kelas VIII di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Satu Atap, (2)Bagaimana kelayakan media video tutorial materi sujud mata pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti kelas VIII di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Satu Atap.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan, dengan menggunakan model ADDIE, yaitu Analisis (Analysis), Desain (Design), Pengembangan (Development), Implementasi (Implementation) dan Evaluasi (Evaluation). Instrumen penilaian yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kualitas produk berupa lembaran penilaian media yang digunakan untuk ahli materi, ahli media dan lembar tanggapan siswa dengan menggunakan skala likert.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Pengembangan media video tutorial materi sujud pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti kelas VIII di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Satu Atap dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu: a) Analisis (Analysis) meliputi analisis karakteristik siswa, analisis materi dan analisis kebutuhan; b) Desain (Design) meliputi rancangan membuat naskah video, membuat storyboard, membuat instrumen penelitian dan RPP ; c) Pengembangan (Development) meliputi menentukan peran, melakukan rekaman suara narator, dan pembuatan video ; d) Implementasi (Implementation) meliputi validasi ahli materi dan validasi ahli media; serta e) Implementasi (Implementation) meliputi uji coba individu dan kelompok sedang. 2) kelayakan media video tutorial materi sujud mata pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti kelas VIII di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Satu Atap berdasarkan validasi ahli materi diperoleh persentase nilai akhir dengan rata-rata 80% ketegori “baik” dan hasil validasi ahli media diperoleh persentase nilai akhir dengan rata-rata 88,88% kategori “sangat baik”. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba individu kepada 2 siswa menyebutkan bahwa persentase akhir yang diperoleh adalah 81,42% dengan kategori “sangat baik” dan uji coba kelompok sedang kepada 10 siswa memperoleh persentase akhir 91,14% dengan kategori “sangat baik”.
Islamic religious education is expected not only to gain value in the cognitive aspect, but also to be able to influence the behavior of students. The limited study time makes it difficult for students to understand the material and teachers are required to be able to carry out learning activities well. While the teacher conveys the material, it tends to use textbooks. It is necessary to develop innovative learning media using the development of information and communication technology such as video media so that learning does not take place in a monotonous and fun way. The formulation of the problem in this study; (1) How is the development of video tutorial media for the subject of prostration for Islamic Studies and Budi Pekerti class VIII in One Roof Junior High School, (2) How is the feasibility of video tutorial media for prostration material for PAI and Budi Pekerti class VIII in One Roof Junior High School.
This study uses research and development methods, using the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The assessment instrument used to determine product quality is in the form of media assessment sheets used for material experts, media experts and student response sheets using a Likert scale.
The results of the study show that: 1) The development of video tutorial media for the subject matter of prostration to Islamic religion and manners for class VIII at One Roof Junior High School with the ADDIE development model, namely: a) Analysis (Analysis) includes analysis of student characteristics, material analysis and needs analysis b) Design includes the design of making video scripts, making storyboards, making research instruments and lesson plans; c) Development includes determining roles, recording the narrator's voice, and making videos; d) Implementation includes validation of material experts and validation of media experts; and e) Implementation includes individual and medium group trials. 2) the feasibility of the video tutorial media for prostration subject matter PAI and Budi Pekerti class VIII in One Roof Junior High School based on material expert validation, the percentage of final grades obtained with an average of 80% in the "good" category and the results of media expert validation obtained the percentage of final grades with an average of 88.88% in the “very good” category. Based on the results of individual trials to 2 students, it was stated that the final percentage obtained was 81.42% in the "very good" category and the medium group trial to 10 students obtained a final percentage of 91.14% in the "very good" category.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pengembangan , Media, Video Tutorial |
Subjects: | 22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2204 Religion and Religious Studies > 220403 Islamic Studies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Jurusan Tarbiyah > Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) |
Depositing User: | fuah fuah marfuah |
Date Deposited: | 19 Nov 2021 08:30 |
Last Modified: | 19 Nov 2021 08:30 |
URI: | |
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